Video consultation with online appointment booking 

This service is open to all patients irrespective of whether you have been visiting our offices before.

For more information check here!

 Adress and Contact  

Praxis für Allgemeinmedizin

Dr. med. Barbara Trülzsch

Sossenheimer Weg 65

65929 Frankfurt

Phone:  069 - 84770388

Fax:       069 - 84770390



 Open office hours


Moday 08:00 - 13:00 15:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 13:00 15:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 13:00  
Thursday 08:00 - 13:00

15:00 - 18:00

**18:00 - 19:00**

Friday 08:00 - 13:00  

** Appointments only


 Sossenheimer Weg 65 


By Bus

The busstop “Frankfurt - Walter-Kolb-Schule” of Buslinie 58 is located directly in front of the office. Busline 58 connects Frankfurt Höchst / Airport and Eschborn. Alternatively you can use our office Antoniterstraße 36 which is located directly at the bus and train station Bahnhof Frankfurt-Höchst. 


By Car

When using motorway A66 take exit Frankfurt Höchst. Leave Königssteiner Strasse just after the petrol station (ESSO) left into Sossenheimer Weg. Free parking is available in the immediate vicinity. 

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Dear patients,


If you need medical help outside of our office hours, please contact the following facilities:

Sossenheimer Weg 65, Antoniterstrasse 36, 65929 Frankfurt
Sossenheimer Weg 65, Antoniterstrasse 36, 65929 Frankfurt