Our services

We are a general medical practice and offer roundabout care for all your general medical needs. This includes all aspects of the general medical spectrum, including medical conditions such as the common cold, thyroid disorders, hypertension, heart and lung disease, infectious disease, as well as diabetes. Our patients include adults as well as children and older patients.

  • Children, adult and geriatric care
  • Diabetes 
  • Diet and weight counseling 
  • Preventive care for e.g. Checkups
  • Vaccinations
  • Ultrasonographie and ECG


We are experienced in preventive medicine and offer checkups according to your individual needs. 


Checkup 35: This is our basic check for everyone from age 35 including a blood test for cholesterol and blood sugar levels, a urine test, and a physical exam. This check is fully covered by your health insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenkasse). The Checkup 35 can be carried out at any age as a private “Igelleistung”.


Checkup 35 Plus: In addition to the above a full blood count, liver function tests, kidney function tests as well as the inflammation marker CRP, HBA1c as a diabetes screen, the electrolytes, uric acid as a gout indicator, and thyroid hormones. 


Checkup Complete: includes all the above plus ultrasonographie of the thyroid, ECG and ultrasonography of the abdomen (liver, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen)


We carry all the recommended vaccinations for adults and children including:

  • DPT-Polio: Diptheria/Whooping Cough/Tetanus/ Polio 
  • MMR: Measles/Mumps/Rubella
  • Influenza
  • FSME: Tick borne Encephalitis

If you are planning a trip abroad or if you have any special medical conditions ask us about specific necessary or recommended vaccinations.

Sossenheimer Weg 65, Antoniterstrasse 36, 65929 Frankfurt
Sossenheimer Weg 65, Antoniterstrasse 36, 65929 Frankfurt